
25 | He/They | Transmasc
♡ girlfriend ♡

T'ewa La'varre @ Sarg


- DNF if you condone any racism, homophobia, transphobia, or incest/pedophilia.
- I will block if you're into incest, a/m (adult/minor) ships,
- Please do not QRT (quote retweet/comment with RT) my art posts
- Do not repost, use, or edit my art w/o permission. Thanks!

Commission info

Currently closed. All that's listed here is for art, but feel free to ask me about FFXIV GPOSE commissions!

Will Do :
- OCs / Self-inserts
- Furry / Anthro
- OC x Canon Chara <- LOVE THIS ONE!!
Will NOT Do :
- pedophilia or incest
- Mecha
- Gore/Guro
- Abuse of any sort
Ask about :
- Suggestive or Explicit NSFW

*Full payment must be provided up front once I accept the commission. Full refunds are available BEFORE I begin work on pieces. If you decide to cancel the commission in the middle of progress, only partial refund will be given back depending on where I am in the process of it.I reserve the right to turn down any commission I am uncomfortable working with or cannot do for any reason.References are a MUST!! Please have images of your character(s) upon asking for a commission. Visually references of any poses aren't required but greatly appreciated!If you have questions, please don't be afraid to ask!

My Warrior of Light!

NameT'ewa La'varre
ClanSeekers of the Sun
ServerSargatanas (Aether)

Born and raised in the far reaches of Eorzea, a young boy named T’ewa Tia wanted to become an adventurer and hero like the ones he would see come into his hometown. He would venture out into the woods with his childhood friends and fend off roaming beasts with a handmade axe in hand. With little knowledge about fighting and wielding his weapon, he and his friends would end up getting severely wounded against larger beasts that they had no chance in defeating at the time. So he learned from his encounters how to defend himself and his companions so they could win against any enemies along their path. Eventually he had chosen to start traveling outside of his comfort zone, traveling outside his hometown and the woods that he knew all too well to grow stronger and become the adventurer he so wished to be. It wasn’t until he’d turned 19 that he had been blessed by Hydaelyn’s light after the calamity struck the realm 5 years ago, helping guide him to Limsa Lominsa. There he would be taught the ways of the Marauder and later harness the soul of a Warrior (his main class focus).Alongside him is Spades, his most trusted companion he met while adventuring around in Eorzea. The main defining factor that kept the two close for some time is sharing the same blessing of The Echo. They had not known anyone else who had such an ability (not until joining the Scions of the Seventh Dawn) and decided to support each other till they possibly knew more about their blessing and connection to Hydaelyn. While sticking close to each other, they soon realized their growing affection for one another, started dating, and eventually married. T’ewa then threw away his title of ‘Tia’ and decided upon ‘La’varre’. Together they take on the many challenges that test them and their strength to become two rising Warriors of Light hand in hand.

T'ewa was originally based off of Terra from Kingdom Hearts, but considering it was based heavily off of my interpretations and loads of headcanons of him, he slowly has become his own character. He still carries bits and pieces from Terra (such as some mannerisms) but there's a distinct difference between them of course.Playing through FFXIV has made me built his character beyond what I had before and I don't regret having started with a base! It helped me develop a character I cherish and hold close to my heart.


25 | Any Pronouns | Non-binary

Spades La'varre @ Sarg